BSSD Strategic Plan


The Blue Springs R-IV School District, reorganized in 1949, comprises of nearly 15,000 students and 2,300 staff. The City of Blue Springs is the 10th largest municipality in Missouri, and BSSD’s boundaries include parts of Grain Valley, Lee’s Summit, and Independence. BSSD is home to the first and sixth-largest high schools in the state.

  • The Blue Springs School District is proud to be recognized locally and nationally as an exceptional school district.

  • BSSD recognizes 19 National Blue Ribbon Schools.

  • Niche named BSSD the best district in the KCMO area for the fifth year.

  • Niche named BSSD the 2023 best place to teach in the area.

  • Sunny Pointe Elementary fourth grade teacher Lindsey Watson is a 2022-2023 Missouri Teacher of the Year Finalist.

  • Our Transportation Department earned the top award for bus maintenance through the Highway Patrol and the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education for 31 consecutive years.

  • BSSD’s community has a long history of supporting bond initiatives enabling district facilities to provide high-quality learning environments.


Blue Springs R-IV School District 2023-2028 Strategic Plan

A committed team of stakeholders worked closely from October 2022 to April 2023 to develop the BSSD Strategic Action Plan. Committee members represented students, teachers, classified staff, parents, business partners, community members, building administrators, school board members, and district administrators. This process entailed seven months of collaboration, dialogue, research, and program analysis to create a comprehensive strategic action plan. As a result of this process, 178 BSSD community stakeholders were involved in the planning process with each patron contributing valuable perspective and insight.


The Process

The team initially developed a standard set of shared beliefs to guide the committee’s strategic planning work. With these beliefs serving as a foundation, a clear mission statement was drafted and parameters of how the future work of the District will progress were created. Strategic objectives were drafted to describe the educational experience of each BSSD student and strategies were created to identify how these objectives will be attained. At this point in the process, action committees of stakeholders were formed to generate result statements and action plans as to how the strategies would become reality in our schools. At the conclusion of this process, the work of the Strategic Planning Team was presented to the Board of Education for consideration. The Board of Education firmly supported the work of the Strategic Planning Team, and it was approved in April 2023.

We thank you for your partnership as we work to be champions for personal growth so that every student may thrive in the global community.


BSSD Shared Beliefs

We believe that:

  • Every person has unique genius to be discovered and developed.

  • All people deserve meaningful opportunities to pursue their potential.

  • Growth culture promotes lifelong learning.

  • Authentic relationships are the foundation of overall success.

  • Involvement fosters engagement, learning, and community.

  • Community stays informed and engage through communication.

  • Trust is foundational to growth and achievement.

  • The social, emotional, and physical needs of humans change and evolve.

  • A holistic approach is necessary to reach human potential.

  • Safety protects physical, emotional, and intellectual well-being.

  • All people deserve kindness.


BSSD Mission

The mission of the Blue Springs School District, the champion for personal growth, is to ensure every student develops the skills and dispositions to thrive in a global community as a productive and collaborative citizen through innovative education distinguished by:

  • Rigorous, accessible learning experiences

  • Diverse opportunities for involvement and leadership

  • A culture of understanding differences and showing kindness

  • Community partnerships that engage and support students and their families


BSSD Parameters

  • We will make evidence-based decisions with the primary focus on what is best for our students.

  • We will ensure access to opportunities.

  • We will treat all people with dignity, respect, and kindness.

  • We will practice responsible stewardship of our resources.

  • We will align our programs and practices with strategic intent.

  • We will not compromise our commitment to excellence.


BSSD Strategic Objectives

  • Each student will demonstrate academic growth through rigorous, diverse learning experiences.

  • Each student will positively contribute within the school and community.

  • Each student will develop strength of character that promotes a culture of kindness and resiliency.

  • Each student will build capacity in cultural, social, and emotional development.

  • Each student will achieve personal growth by adapting and persevering beyond school.


BSSD Strategies and Result Statements

Strategy #1: We will ensure accessible, purposeful, applicable learning experiences for all students.

The Blue Springs School District will:

  • Be committed to growth and professional development focused on learning opportunities for all students.

  • Commit to authentic learning opportunities and exposure to careers for all students through
    Real World Learning.

  • Guide the design and implementation of a continually evolving curriculum that ensures equitable access and continuous student progress monitoring.

  • Leverage technology to empower our students to collaborate, communicate, create, and innovate, to show their learning while embodying good digital citizenship.


Strategy #2: We will foster positive communication and innovative community partnerships that engage and support students and their families.

The Blue Springs School District will:

  • Provide a virtual resource that supports and engages all stakeholders of the BSSD community.

  • Create videos that share the positive stories of our BSSD school community.

  • Provide a platform to foster connections with industry and community partners to provide Real World Learning opportunities.


Strategy #3: We will promote and sustain a collaborative, supportive culture of mutual respect that honors the value of each person.

The Blue Springs School District will:

  • Implement a research based program that embraces and supports a person-centered approach to the physical and emotional needs of stakeholders.

  • Promote parent engagement and foster trust by developing and implementing intentional outreach programs and community support.

  • Cultivate a safe environment for focused and purposeful collaboration for staff.

  • Ensure authentic learning experiences for all students through district programs and community partnerships in relation to student centered goals.


Strategy #4: We will address the social and emotional needs of our school community.

The Blue Springs School District will:

  • Ensure all staff will be provided intentional time, training, support, and collaboration opportunities to meet the social-emotional needs of themselves and others.

  • Increase the capacity of students by investing in strategies and support resources in an inclusive environment, with representation for all to move towards self-advocacy and social awareness.

  • Strengthen partnerships with stakeholders to support social/emotional needs of students, staff, and families.

  • Create and foster a lasting culture of trust where all social-emotional needs are recognized and addressed.


Strategy #5: We will seek solutions to factors impacting staff recruitment and retention.

The Blue Springs School District will:

  • Provide continuous training, professional support, and systematic programs that build staff competence and confidence in their profession.

  • Promote a positive public perception of the Blue Springs School District and public education.

  • Develop pathways to recruit, retain, and advance staff in all positions.

  • Pursue innovative means to recognize and compensate staff.

  • Provide resources and systems that support staff, address school needs, and strengthen district culture.
    Increase leaders’ capacity to effectively support and lead.


Strategy #6: We will create a strategic organization based on evidence of real-world impact.

The Blue Springs School District will:

  • Use modern modes of communication to create and foster a common language of learning with stakeholders.

  • Strengthen partnerships with stakeholders to provide Real World Learning opportunities for all
    students outside the scope of our schools and also bring in client connected projects through strategic community partners.

  • Identify a process to monitor effectiveness of programs and services and create actionable steps to integrate new, continue current, or retire antiquated practices.



Thank You

Thank you to the Strategic Planning Team members who were instrumental in the completion of the plan:

Board of Education

Rhonda Gilstrap
Jeff Siems

BSSD Staff

Jennie Alderman, Principal
Dr. Jill Brown, Assistant Superintendent
Craig Dierking, Instructional Coach
Dr. Ryan Gettings, Principal
Dr. Bob Jerome, Superintendent
Dr. Bryce Johnson, Assistant Superintendent
Brett Lyon, Principal
Trina McCollom, Secretary
Jennifer Minnis, Teacher
Ashli Oddo, Teacher
Whitney Richeson, Teacher
Jerreice Robinson, School Nutritional Services
Angie Schnakenberg, Assistant Principal
Becky Stanton, Teacher
Liz Talamantez, Director of Elementary Curriculum and Instruction
Kevin Thomas, Teacher
Carl Trober, Teacher