Grades 1-5 will use Lightspeed as a content filter on iPads. Lightspeed is not a VPN and is an app installed on the machine.
- Parent 1 and 2 and Guardian 1 and 2 in PowerSchool will receive an e-mailed report each Sunday from [email protected] to the e-mail addresses in PowerSchool. The e-mail will show daily usage for each child (check junk mail if not in the Inbox).
- Updated e-mail addresses and contacts sync overnight.
- Only four contacts are allowed per child.
Parents can click Log In or Register at the bottom of a report to see more detailed information by day by student. Anyone trying to create an account with an e-mail not listed as Parent or Guardian 1 or 2 will not be able to create an account and view student usage.
- Parents can visit the relay school portal page for more information.
any time they want to see usage information for the past 7 days. These reports show sites they visited even in private browsing mode, but do not show searched terms.
- Once a parent creates an account a confirmation e-mail to complete the account creation is sent to the address in PowerSchool. Once the e-mail is used to confirm the creation of the account a parent can login.
- The splash page will have a drop-down menu to view their different children. Parents can click each day of the week for the last 7 days to see a list of sites visited.
- Parents can also utilize a toggle switch to prevent students from using the internet on the device while off school property for an hour, 3 hours, or until the next morning. This will help parents control screen time when students are not supervised.